Friend’s Fundraising
- Insulated Tumblers: $5
- Friends Mugs: $5
- Book Sales (Donation)
Coming Soon:
- 4th Annual Plant Sale, Spring 2024

Purchase From Our Wish List
From our Amazon Wishlist, you can purchase items the library needs (…or wants) for programing, summer reading, or general library use. The item is paid for by you, and then shipped directly to the library.
Did You Know...
you can use Facebook to fund-raise for the Friends of the Library?
It’s easy! After logging in, go to “Fundraising” and click “Raise Money”. Search for “Friends of the Cadott Library” and follow the instructions.
No Cash? No Problem!
We know not everyone can afford to make cash donations –and that’s OK! You can still help out! You can:
- Volunteer your time and skills
- Donate your gently used books, DVDs, CDs, etc.
- Come to library events
- Use the library & encourage others to as well
Stay In the Loop!
February 26: Agenda Minutes
March: Agenda Minutes
February Agenda Minutes
April Agenda
July: Agenda
September Agenda Minutes
February: Agenda Minutes (Meeting Location: Whispering Pines Golf Course)
March: Officer Meeting (Location: Library)
April:Agenda Minutes (Location: Library)
Meeting Materials: Bylaws Update
August: Agenda Minutes (Location: Lion’s Pavillion, East Side of Park)
February: Agenda Minutes
March: Agenda
June: Agenda
October: Agenda
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="What IS the Friends?" _builder_version="4.19.4" background_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" background_enable_color="on" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]The Friends of the Cadott Community Library is a federally recognized 501(c)3 NonProfit that exists to help supplement and support the library. Mostly, financially. The Friends help the Library to pay for:
- Materials
- Programs & Events
- Marketing
- Equipment
As an official nonprofit, all donations made to the Friends of the Cadott Community Library are tax deductable. Donations made can be put into a general fund, or you can ask for donations to be used in a specific category of need (such as: Furniture, Building Fund, Events, Library Materials, etc).
The Friends of the Library will be pivotal in helping us raise the funds in order to build and furnish our brand new library, coming on the corner of Mills St and HWY 27 (next door to the Historical Society). Now is a great time to join and be part of something amazing for the community!
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Who are Friends?" _builder_version="4.19.4" background_color="#ffffff" background_enable_color="on" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]Our Friends are anyone who helps the library; whether officially or unofficially. If you’re a regular library user who always encourages others to use our services: you’re a friend! If you just stop in occasionally and over pay for copies as a donation: you’re our friend too!
Officially, to be kept in the loop, we ask that you join our online mailing list or the Facebook Group. Otherwise, keep an eye on our social media or public postings for more information about when and where Friends activties are happening and to take part.
Our current officers include: Cody Ponozzo (President), Nicole Barkley (Vice President), Kevin Litten (Secretary), and Brian McConnell (Treasurer)
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="How to Be a Good Friend" _builder_version="4.19.4" background_color="#ffffff" background_enable_color="on" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]Believe it or not, being a friend isn’t about the cash! You can also help out by volunteering your time and skills to the library to help with projects or program events. For instance:
- Do you have a special or unique skill to share with kids or adults?
- Do you like doing projects like painting, cleaning, or organizing?
- Do you have experience with grant writing or fundraising?
- Do you have good verbal or written communication skills?
If you said “Yes!” to any of these –we probably have something you can help with!
You can join our mailing list below, OR our Facebook Group to stay in the loop on what we have going on.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="2022 Fundraising Efforts" _builder_version="4.19.4" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]In 2022, the Friends of the Library successfully raised funds in the following ways:
- Sidewalk Book Sales
- 2nd Annual Plant Sale
- Pop-Up Fall Plant Sale
- Continued Insulated Tumbler sales
- Continued Friends Coffee Mug sale
The Friends helped the library to purchase several marketing related items, such as pens, Trick-or-Treat bags and incentives, and bookmarks.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Past Fundraising Efforts" _builder_version="4.19.4" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]In 2021, the Friends of the Library successfully raised funds in the following ways:
- Sidewalk Book Sales
- First Annual Plant Sale
- Continued Insulated Tumbler sales
- *New* Friends Coffee Mug sale
- Awarded a Packer Foundation Grant
- $1000 in new sports related materials for all ages (Purchased Fall/Winter 2021)
- $2000 for installing sports equipment in Riverside Park, and creating circulating sports kits to be housed in the library (coming in 2022)
The Friends also purchased Board Games for the circulating collection, supplementary materials for Summer Reading Program, candies, stickers, and bookmarks. The Friends also began selling FOCCL Coffee Mugs (in addition to their Insulated Tumblers) for $5. Both Mugs and Tumblers are available at the library front desk.
In 2020, the Friends of the Library helped in the following ways:
1. Purchased Foriegn Language Materials
2. Helped to purchase Bookmarks for Risk Awareness of COVID-19
3. Purchased Supplemental Summer Reading promotional items
4. Indoor Book Sale, February
5. Sidewalk Book Sale Carts, June – September
6. Insulated Tumbler Fundraiser (Ongoing, $8, available at the library).
7. Patron Appreciation/Winter Goodie Bags for Children
The Friends cancelled a Meet-and-Greet event, due to COVID-19. We hope to reschedule it when in-person events can resume!
2019 Fundraising Consisted of:
- Week-Long Book Sale in February
- A Letter Writing Campaign
- A 1-Day Book Sale in June
- A 1-Day Book Sale during Booyah Days
- A T-Shirt Fundraiser in November*
*T-shirt Fundraiser failed to sell enough shirts to send to print.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][/et_pb_accordion][et_pb_divider _builder_version="4.16" custom_margin="||14px|||" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_divider][et_pb_blurb title="How do I Become a Friend?" image="" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"]- Fundraise & Donate
- Come to library programs (or talk them up to your friends & family)
- Support our innovative projects
- Buy books from our book sale
- Advocate for us!
- Promote us within the community
Basically: Take advantage of what we have to offer and tell other people to do it too!
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