For More Events
Reading Challenges
Take up an additional themed reading challenge with one of our printable PDF files. Copies are also available at the library.
Rainbow Reads Challenge
100 Books Before Graduation
Caldecott Winners Check List (No Prizes)
Book Review: Hank Hooperman, A True Hero to All
Director's Note: Our intern Alyssa is an AVID reader! She's tested our reader's advisory and written some book reviews for us to share here on the blog. We hope you enjoy her insight. Title: The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman Author: Gennifer Choldenko Ages: Ages...
Memorials & Honorariums
Recently, the community lost Mrs. Janet DeJung. If you aren’t familiar with that name, don’t worry. I wasn’t either! But she was a pretty important woman to the history of the library. She served for 23 years as our library director, following a decade of service from...
Digital Resources from the Library
When it comes to the library’s digital offerings, you are probably most familiar with Libby. Libby is an amazing app (especially compared to it’s predecessor). It’s a one-click system for ebooks, e-audio, and digital magazines. While the in-library magazine collection...
May the 4th Be With You!
May 4th may just seem like a normal day to most folks, but for a subset of others…It’s Star Wars Day. And we’ve got you covered, here at the library! Whether you’re watching the Series in Chronological Order (Episodes 1 thru 9), Release Order (4-6, 1-3, 7-9) or in the...
The Library of Things
I often mention that the library is more than books and it’s true! We’re a hub for a lot of interests and tasks. We’re the only place in town with free, 24/7 accessible WiFi. We’re the cheapest place to print and fax. We’ve also got our wireless printing option via...
How We Got Here: Samma’s Story
Some of you may know that I do a TikTok Live on Monday and Friday mornings from my personal account. This is because the Library’s Account (@CadottLibrary) doesn’t have 1000 followers yet. We talk books and such while I unpack and sort courier these two mornings and I...
We have Board Games! Place holds in the catalog or check our Game Collection Master List to see what might be available.

A Year of Reading
Join our year long reading challenge! It’s simple, fun, and available for the WHOLE FAMILY.
1. Grab your log each month (paper copies are available at the library)
2. For every thirty minutes you read, color in a star (or duck when youg get to it!).
3. Reaching a duck means you’ve earned a Pocket Pal! You can claim these through the month by bringing in your log, or collect them all at once at the end of the month.
4. Return your completed log to the library (and collect any pocket pals).
For every:
~270 Minutes: A random Pocket Pal from our capsule machine (May vary by calendar month)
550 Minutes: You earn a letter/color in ROY G BIV.
3000 Minutes (or once per quarter): a FREE BOOK!
6600 Minutes: You’ll have earned all of ROY G BIV! These will become BEADS (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet) you can use to make a bookmark or bracelet. We will have 2 Make events. One in August and one in December.