1-715-289-4950 | Mon 12-5, Tues/Wed 10-6pm, Thur 12-5pm, Fri 12-5pm, Sat 10-2pm cadottpl@cadottlibrary.org

Library Insider: A Take from our Intern

My name is Sharlene Hakes. I have lived and worked in this community for over three years now. In that time, I have spent ample time at the library, borrowing books and using the computer and copy machine. I am currently working my second internship at the library....

A Message From Our President

Where, oh where will our new building be? The answer is, we still don’t know. But that doesn’t mean nothing is happening! The Library Board of Trustees and the Library Building Committees are continuing to lay the groundwork for a capital campaign to begin once a...
Share Your Library Love Story

Share Your Library Love Story

Your library story is powerful. Your stories help libraries share how library resources, spaces, and safe places support our community. Your stories are essential when for library budget advocacy, but also in meeting new library users. Share your library story...