1-715-289-4950 | Mon 12-5, Tues/Wed 10-6pm, Thur 12-5pm, Fri 12-5pm, Sat 10-2pm cadottpl@cadottlibrary.org


Book Club

The Book Club meets on the 3rd Tuesday, monthly at 5 PM.
They read a variety of fiction and nonfiction titles. The group is mixed in both age and gender, and discusses books without influence from the library staff. The library provides a list of general discussion questions. Members vote on their reading list in November.

February Reading Log

A Year of Reading (For Everyone!)

Join our year long reading challenge! It’s simple, fun, and available for the WHOLE FAMILY.

1. Grab your log each month (paper copies are available at the library)

2. For every thirty minutes you read, color in a star (or duck when youg get to it!).

3. Reaching a duck means you’ve earned a Pocket Pal! You can claim these through the month by bringing in your log, or collect them all at once at the end of the month.

4. Return your completed log to the library (and collect any pocket pals).

For every:

~270 Minutes: A random Pocket Pal from our capsule machine (May vary by calendar month)

550 Minutes: You earn a letter/color in ROY G BIV.

3000 Minutes (or once per quarter): a FREE BOOK!

6600 Minutes: You’ll have earned all of ROY G BIV! These will become BEADS (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet) you can use to make a bookmark or bracelet. We will have 2 Make events. One in August and one in December.

Additional Reading Challenges

Enjoy one of our additional challenges with these handy PDF files. Printed copies are also available at the library.

Rainbow Reads Challenge

Caldecott Winners

A NonFiction Character Review: John Wilkes Booth

Director's Note: Alyssa also enjoys reading nonfiction and most recently has been immersed in reading about the Lincoln Assassination. For specific titles about Lincoln, Booth, and the assassination, click here to check out this list on the MORE Catalog. -- John...

Book Review: Kill the Farm Boy

Director's Note: Alyssa is back with another review! This one came as a recommendation from Lora. You can read Kill the Farm Boy by Delilah S. Dawnson for yourself by reserving a copy in our online catalog: https://more.bibliocommons.com/v2/record/S164C2407121 (We...

Book Review: Hank Hooperman, A True Hero to All

Director's Note: Our intern Alyssa is an AVID reader! She's tested our reader's advisory and written some book reviews for us to share here on the blog. We hope you enjoy her insight. Title: The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman Author: Gennifer Choldenko Ages: Ages...

A New Building: Beyond the Grant

It’s happening! Cadott will have a brand new, fully accessible public library, mostly funded by the Flexible Facilities Program Grant. The building will feature two small conference rooms, adult and children’s reading areas, a computer lab, improved staff workspace...

A Message from Cookie

(Below is a message from our board Vice President and head of our building committee, Cookie Kaste. Apologies for any formatting errors that may have occurred across platforms! -Samma) I’m so happy to share some information about the grant we recently received for our...


What grant is that? The DEHCR Flexible Facilities grant, which will cover MOST of our projected building costs for the new library! This means we are on track for a new library in time for our 70th Anniversary in 2027, with groundbreaking by July 2025 and opening by...

Keeping Up with the Library

I know, I know… It’s been a couple of weeks since I got a blog post up and I am SO SORRY! Between summer reading, scheduling, and trying to take some vacation time, it’s been all-go around the library. BUT, things are slowing down and (hopefully!) I can get back on...

It’s July! Here’s What’s Happening.

My goodness. June flew by and now we’re entering July –which is jam packed full of things to do and see! First up, if you’re moving along with our Reading Logs, then you may be interested in picking up a Bingo Card each week as well! The bingo cards are fresh every...

Memorials & Honorariums

Recently, the community lost Mrs. Janet DeJung. If you aren’t familiar with that name, don’t worry. I wasn’t either! But she was a pretty important woman to the history of the library. She served for 23 years as our library director, following a decade of service from...

What Counts as “Reading”?

What counts as reading? We get that question a lot around the library during the Summer Reading season. And frankly: if words are involved and no moving pictures…it’s reading. We don’t believe in barriers to literacy around here. We want folks to enjoy absorbing...