1-715-289-4950 | Mon 12-5, Tues/Wed 10-6pm, Thur 12-5pm, Fri 12-5pm, Sat 10-2pm cadottpl@cadottlibrary.org

What counts as reading?

We get that question a lot around the library during the Summer Reading season. And frankly: if words are involved and no moving pictures…it’s reading.

We don’t believe in barriers to literacy around here. We want folks to enjoy absorbing information or entertainment in whatever way feels the most comfortable to them. So, whether you’ve picked up a book and it’s fiction or non-fiction, it’s reading.

Listening to an audiobook in the car while on a road trip with the family? You’re all reading!

Picked up the newest issue of Us Weekly (…actually, is Us still around? I honestly have no idea!) and read every juicy tidbit about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s date in Palm Beach? That’s reading. (…And no, I have no idea where Taylor and Travis would actually take a date, obviously. Y’all should be proud I even know Travis Kelce’s name. I’m a hockey fan.)

Read the news (or a webcomic) online? That’s reading too!

And honestly, if it’s just really hard to muster up the energy for any of that…turn the subtitles on while you watch a movie or your favorite TV show. I’ll even count that as reading. (And hey, guess what, turning on subtitles for your kids has been shown to HELP their literacy! If you’re not doing it already, you might want to!)

If you need help choosing titles, we’re always around to help! Some questions we typically ask tha you might want to think about in advance:

  • Fiction or NonFiction?
  • What’s a book you read recently that you liked?
  • What are your favorite genres (or least favorite)
  • What kind of movies or TV do you enjoy watching?
  • Are you open to reading “up” or “down” (I.e: an older teen reading something like Percy Jackson (down) or Ready Player One (up)).
  • If open to nonfiction, do you want to learn about something current or historical? A Person, Event, or Skill?

We also have several reading lists available on the MORE catalog that are viewable as well. And! It’s not too late to grab one of our Reading Challenge calendars!

If you have any other questions or queries, you can call or stop into the library. We’re happy to help!