Library Cards
How do I get a library card?
Visit the library to sign up for a library card. Free library cards are available to all Wisconsin residents. When applying for a card at the library, make sure to bring a photo ID and proof of your current address such as a driver’s license, state ID, apartment lease, or a utility bill showing your name and address. Children under the age of 18 need a parent or guardian’s signature to get a library card. The parent or guardian must be present. We have no age limit for library cards; you may get your child a library card whenever you feel your child is ready.
Where can I use my card?
Cadott Public Library is part of the MORE Library Consortium. You can use your library card at any of the 54 MORE libraries. You can also use your library card to request books from other MORE libraries using the MORE online catalog (or download the MORE app) and have them sent to Cadott to pick up.
What can I do with my library card?
Your library card gives you access to a variety of resources. Your card can be used to check out physical materials from any MORE library, to check out ebooks and other digital materials online, to access public computers at the library, and to access valuable research materials available through the state of Wisconsin.
How do I access my library card account?
To view materials you have checked out on your library card, request materials, pay fines, or renew items, you can access your account by going to the MORE library catalog or opening the MORE app on your smart device. If you have not set up a PIN, contact a librarian for help.
The first time you log in, you’ll be walked through settting up an account with a Username you can type in, in place of the card number. Additional improvements have been made, including being able to toggle between cards (handy for families!). Push Notifications for due date reminders are also in the works!
What if I lose my library card?
It happens! The next time you stop into the library, we offer 1 free replacement card per year. Lost it again? We’ll charge $1 for each replacement.