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This is Sharlene Hakes again, writing about families this time. This is quite apropos as I come from a large family. I have eight siblings! I understand the various family dynamics that can occur. I love and appreciate my family and I am glad to have learned that there is an International Day of Families!

International Day of Families is May 15 so I have compiled a list of books about families and fun family activities. Some of the books are fictional, fun stories while others are nonfiction about family bonds or activities for families to do together. You can celebrate the day by reading one or more of the books or completing an activity from one of the books.

Family is an important structure of two or more bonded people. Whether large or small, each family is unique in functionality. There are all types of families. While there can be negative dynamics, I will be focusing on the positive. The most vital component of family is supporting each other through all of life’s difficulties. Family members are there for each other.

Families help each other learn and grow. They teach each other important life lessons. They play and have fun together, creating memories and bonds of friendship. They argue, but ultimately, stick together.

Road trips, vacations, and reunions are just some of the activities families can do together. They might go for a picnic in the park or have an outdoor scavenger hunt. Of course, there is always a family game night as a possibility. The key idea is to spend time together.

Read all about families, road trips, vacations, and fun activities with the list provided!