Have a collection of puzzles you’ve put together and aren’t sure what to do with now??
Trade them for new puzzles at our 1st Puzzle Swap! Puzzles will be available during our regular open hours, but may be dropped off during the week prior as well.
Join Samma at the library for a afternoon storytime at 1 PM! Occasional special guests, Mrs. Butterbrodt and Mrs. Creaser may also visit. Attendees can expect 3-4 stories and some kind of an activity like a craft or game.
Join Samma at the library for an evening storytime. Perfect for working caregivers! Attendees can expect 3-4 stories, followed by a craft or activity.
Note: This storytime is held AFTER regular library hours. Attendees may still have the opportunity to check out materials after the program, but if there are no attendees after 5:10, the library will close. Please arrive early if you can.
Bring your WIP or UFO to work in a friendly, supportive environment. Whether it’s your 1st project or your 100th, we welcome to stitch with us. New Learners encouraged!
The library has supplies to get started with any of the standard fiber arts as well as loom knitting. Ask a member of staff if you’d like to request use of tools during Stitch-In.
Join Samma at the library for a afternoon storytime at 1 PM! Occasional special guests, Mrs. Butterbrodt and Mrs. Creaser may also visit. Attendees can expect 3-4 stories and some kind of an activity like a craft or game.