Lately, the MORE library directors have been having conversations how to be better serving our communities. COVID-19 has made it a struggle to let people know when we’re open, how we’re operating, and what services we’re providing. I want to reassure the Cadott community that: the library is open and we are here for you.
That doesn’t come without a few stipulations. We are open our regular hours, Monday through Saturday. We are asking that patrons wear masks in our building and limit their stay to 20 minutes. We are currently only allowing 8 patrons in the building at a time. We offer contact-less pick-up by phone call (I am known to also accept a Facebook message or e-mail!). Due to weather, the curbside pick-up has been moved to a bookshelf just inside the door. You can’t miss it! If necessary, we can also arrange local drop-offs as well.
We are happy to still be providing computer, printing, copying, and faxing services. Computer use is limited to a single 30 minute session per day, unless otherwise cleared with library staff. We do have Chromebooks available for extended use, and we can set you up on it in various locations around the library for some social distancing. Our WiFi is open and available 24/7. You can access it from outside of our building at any time.
When it comes to programing, unfortunately things are a little leaner! Because we err on the side of safety, we continue to not provide in-person events. However, we have had a few online events! I am still reading a Chapter-a-Day and still start a new book November 9th on Facebook. We have our weekly storytime readings on our FlipGrid page. I will also be hosting NaNoWriMo write-ins on Wednesday evenings, via Google Meet, starting November 4th. Look for more details on that below.
So, if you haven’t been in for awhile, please rest assured: we are still here and hope to see you soon.
Happy Reading,